Our daily life at St Leonard’s CE Primary Academy is underpinned by 12 Christian values. These are taught and modelled by all members of the school community.
This is our schools’ mission statement and it encompasses everything we do.
The Biblical underpinning for the vision comes from Mark 1. Verses 9-12, The Baptism of Jesus.
This is the first public presentation of Jesus God the Son, and this was confirmed by the God the Father in the words from heaven, ‘You are my Son, whom I love, with you I am well pleased’ and receipt of God the Holy Spirit, symbolised by the dove.
Our daily life at St Leonard’s CE Primary Academy is underpinned by 12 Christian values. These are taught and modelled by all members of the school community.
Our Ethos is one that centres around the Church of England’s vision of education. We aim to ensure that each of our children will flourish and live life in it’s fullness, (John 10:10)
Embedded in our ethos is the belief of the ultimate worth of every person and in human dignity being at the heart of a good education.
We will:
This information should be taken and used as part of St Leonard’s Church of England Primary Academy’s overall strategy and implemented within the context of our vision, instrument of government aims, and values of a Church of England Academy. St Leonard’s is a Church of England Primary Academy which celebrates a love of God and puts the Christian ethos at the centre of all that it does.
1.1 – At St Leonard’s we promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.
1.2 – Actively promoting these values means challenging opinions or behaviours in school that are contrary to fundamental British values. Attempts to promote systems that undermine British values would be completely at odds with our duty to provide Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural education.
1.3 – School staff are expected to uphold public trust in the profession and to maintain high standards of ethics and behaviour, within and outside school. This includes not undermining fundamental British values.
2.1 – Through our provision of SMSC we:
3.1 – Through our teaching of British Values, we expect that pupils will:
8.00am - 3:40pm Monday-Thursday and 8.00am - 1:50pm Friday. An answerphone operates outside these times.
Mrs Johnson -SENDCO
Mrs Welch - Operational SEND Lead
Chair of Governors
Clare Lindley
Copyright St Leonard's CE Primary Academy © 2025
Website by Warp Design & Thinking Creative